#70 [Turkish] Marmara Belediyeler Birliği: MARUF23 ve Çözüm Üreten Kentler

Episode 76 April 03, 2024 00:45:22
#70 [Turkish] Marmara Belediyeler Birliği: MARUF23 ve Çözüm Üreten Kentler
Smart in the City – The BABLE Podcast
#70 [Turkish] Marmara Belediyeler Birliği: MARUF23 ve Çözüm Üreten Kentler

Apr 03 2024 | 00:45:22


Hosted By

Tamlyn Shimizu

Show Notes

Smart in the Cities'in ilk bölüm Türkçe bölümünde MBB'den Veri ve Teknoloji Merkezi Direktörü Samet Keskin ve mimar ve Kıdemli Şehir Politikası Uzmanı olan İrem Kurtuluş ile bir araya geldik.

Sohbetimizde Marmara Belediyeler Birliği (MMB) ve BABLE arasındaki yerel yönetimleri güçlendirmeyi amaçlayan, dinamik işbirliğini keşfederken MARUF23’ün bizde bıraktığı izleri konuştuk.

MMB Türkiye'nin Marmara bölgesindeki 190 belediyeyi temsil eden bir bölgesel organizasyon olarak hizmet veriyor.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:06] Speaker A: Welcome to Smart in the city, the Bible podcast, where we bring together top actors in the smart city arena, sparking dialogues and interactions around the stakeholders and themes most prevalent for today's citizens and tomorrow's generations. [00:00:21] Speaker B: I am your host, Tamlin Shimizu, and I hope you will enjoy this episode and gain knowledge and connections to accelerate the change for a better urban life. [00:00:31] Speaker A: Smart in the city is brought to you by Babel Smart cities. We enable processes from research and strategy development to co creation and implementation. To learn more about us, please visit the Babel platform at Babel Smartcities EU. [00:00:45] Speaker C: This is a special episode that will be done in Turkish, the first of its kind by my colleague Malikay, who works as a smart city expert for Babel smart cities. We want to reach people across different regions, so don't be surprised when you see different languages popping up. Without further ado, I hand the mic to Malike. [00:01:30] Speaker D: Marmara Bellad Turkey organization Mark is a director the Marmara Bella del R Politicasman A Kalisha Kulana Jaharikitiva e Colarakisade Marmara cant for Munon Fargo sector Lardan Burgalardan Galan cancel actor Lar Pidas Nikifik. [00:03:04] Speaker E: Program on the MACD. [00:03:19] Speaker F: May have a large bandage of the secret in Arduino Kurukla Dalgala Basler Aslam. [00:04:42] Speaker D: Salar Sende. [00:04:46] Speaker F: Baland Tisha. [00:05:01] Speaker D: Molda Roldom activity Lenny. [00:05:43] Speaker E: Vote on the Benz watch them but him the asunder line. [00:07:32] Speaker F: Asunder Bassetting. [00:08:19] Speaker E: Bila Bande Mara Bedira Villi Technology Steve Marufi are the spiritual metal. [00:09:23] Speaker D: Ki Tabikazada mold above sharing your learners and Nesa Bapolo chan. [00:09:50] Speaker E: Yeah Zamazaman factor Five Nasana team the marriage or the Anibabula partner earlier Bashura village. [00:12:26] Speaker D: Dafasoli Gachitan Dikachek and the board. [00:13:23] Speaker E: Bunala Kasha shams Gala Kangala musician Bizarre music to plash and be doing the half as the birthday is not busheldoms losers Ilhamlaja Binayan Marufo Sector Academy Civil Top Aria Gasama Shidi Gurusali can't visible chopped Msuki factoria gas and farcode choosing Julia. [00:15:03] Speaker D: Mix Durham Buddha. [00:15:41] Speaker F: Lambda alarms formulas Murphy platform himself kidney Columbia sector Kulomasan Salija Benedia Gumardan and Tamadasa Bunardan Faidan Ozar sectoral alumni Normal Dango die farklu bookshat and bureaucratic ishlade and Yashamasaman Farklabish platform. [00:18:22] Speaker D: Dear Mujibimzhi Meraka during the summit Maruf Mashlangadin. [00:18:54] Speaker E: A lot from Gatomsvarda. [00:19:47] Speaker F: The. [00:19:47] Speaker E: Amateur pandemic physically online Dasanda Gadi, MS Dese and Hazelux the fat Michelin Marmaritis Bunda Sachanandan Chickmanas where it killer Madam Bundamshiranubras. [00:22:07] Speaker D: Ikibin Baza Dicta check and online. [00:22:30] Speaker F: Before Bole John format Lar network Bibulum Kulusha Ispilinde Planumland Sabi Mosai Gibson. [00:24:17] Speaker D: While. [00:24:18] Speaker F: Aber Bash Einsamanda Kahinda Gilip the Hakolai escalation Nada Malaria Katun Bashkana Consuelo to netbikade fact Ladan Berridi Baskanidot a cantel. [00:25:52] Speaker D: Cancel mechanical Zimmer Nagaldan Asna Kanpaidashanakademika Murafir Mujtan Galajik Programmed Chiktaladu integrate me Chalashirkan Hatha Hala Cinder me Chalashirkan Bangina. [00:26:55] Speaker F: Gilish. [00:26:56] Speaker D: In the Bakalan trend. [00:27:02] Speaker F: In the brass. [00:27:10] Speaker E: Aldam is not Narvani take him Brazama Shayga check replicaria Brazil it's nandalan music Marv Kapsamunda him the Marv son of shudofarchitect Krugula mystic boys and akala terms and partner Katkusuma. [00:30:08] Speaker D: Superb is the Moraf Ikbishakadar Baklajam Shimda mixed yoke but. [00:30:42] Speaker F: Yakushim. [00:30:42] Speaker D: To malaysian and Somatura mortality. [00:31:17] Speaker F: Sunday Bashley Obiozata Devamato Mesila Farquhar and Farquhar sector Lidan Uzman, Kishlyn Katulumila and Capsai Dulu Yuksekbi platform as Namaru or the key mechanical bash ruler Olabilio Mesala Ola Bilio platform Kularakta bash language noctale or the Ola Bilio buna him don't show him the Yenigundamo segment Konoshmax. [00:33:59] Speaker D: Binocta Mayo Shivarma. [00:34:04] Speaker E: Samitopaza former Katubi Omasa cancer Meraxibo Mebasha Amai Sadar sector James Yan Sajikara Jakojak Shayla Muskola ish the new to larry. [00:35:50] Speaker F: On the mando chosen chosen chosen chose the evidence. [00:36:50] Speaker D: Segment. [00:37:50] Speaker F: Asla Virtuka. [00:37:53] Speaker D: Shimde Iram. [00:37:57] Speaker F: Vapormo Metro Bismuth Metrobisnakada is less kitchen trinket cant of those cremation. [00:39:37] Speaker D: Summit. [00:39:40] Speaker E: Choke Aradakaldam. [00:39:56] Speaker F: Biblical factor. [00:40:55] Speaker E: And. [00:40:58] Speaker D: Bashadami segmentin Maruf Ikibinondo Kuzmuf Ikibin. [00:41:37] Speaker F: Before Nikkin. [00:41:52] Speaker E: Begun Kachamak Bija format. [00:42:17] Speaker D: Bunuzagalik, Bunu summit. Sanagara. [00:42:42] Speaker E: Nanda man. Yeah. Bras Akulu Sufatu telephone boy. Hi, atoms. [00:43:45] Speaker F: Mayan Kainaklura and Etin. And should I park and character in. [00:44:09] Speaker D: The city to demonstration? [00:44:58] Speaker B: Thank you all for listening. I'll see you at the next stop on the journey to a better urban life.

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