Smart in the City – The BABLE Podcast

Hop on the journey toward a better urban life and hear from top actors in the Smart City arena about stakeholders and themes most prevalent for today's citizens and tomorrow's generations. At BABLE, through our ...more

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December 06, 2023 01:01:02
#56 Istanbul & Madrid: Empowering Cities through Data and Digital Innovation

#56 Istanbul & Madrid: Empowering Cities through Data and Digital Innovation

This fourth and last episode of our collaboration with Red Española de Ciudades Inteligentes (RECI) was recorded live at the Smart City Expo World...



November 30, 2023 00:40:16
#55 CIVINET Iberia: [Spanish] Fomentar la Movilidad Sostenible

#55 CIVINET Iberia: [Spanish] Fomentar la Movilidad Sostenible

Este tercer y último episodio de nuestra serie CIVINET Iberia se grabó en español con Adur Ugartemendia Leunda, Primer Teniente de Alcalde de la...



November 29, 2023 00:45:14
#54 CIVINET Iberia: [Portuguese] Navegar por Soluções de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável

#54 CIVINET Iberia: [Portuguese] Navegar por Soluções de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável

Neste segundo episódio da série CIVINET Ibéria - o primeiro episódio em português - conversámos com Nuno Alexandre Cunha, Diretor Operacional da Associação Quadrilátero...



November 28, 2023 00:40:42
#53 CIVINET Iberia: Connecting Cities for Sustainable Mobility

#53 CIVINET Iberia: Connecting Cities for Sustainable Mobility

In this first episode of our CIVINET Iberia series, we talked with Pedro Moreira, Head of Transport Authority and Mobility Management at the City...



November 22, 2023 00:26:34
#52 [French] Ris-Orangis & Ville Hybride: Réinventer les Espaces de Vie Urbains

#52 [French] Ris-Orangis & Ville Hybride: Réinventer les Espaces de Vie Urbains

Dans ce tout premier épisode en français du podcast, nous avons eu le plaisir d'acceuillir Stéphane Raffalli, le maire de la ville de Ris-Orangis,...



November 15, 2023 00:28:49
#51 SMCNetZero Project: What Lessons Can Transfer from Larger Cities to SMCs?

#51 SMCNetZero Project: What Lessons Can Transfer from Larger Cities to SMCs?

In this second episode of our SMCNetZero series, we had the pleasure of talking with Maria Vassilakou, Urban Strategist and Founder at Vienna Solutions...

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